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Welcome to the PvPCloud Store!
Feel free to look around for anything you like, purchases will not only improve your own gameplay, but the server too, as you are helping us keep it alive!
Notes to parents:
We understand that the idea that your child wants to buy something on the internet a bit worrying so we will quickly explain it to you.
Your child is playing on an online world, with many other players, each player starts with a default rank, which comes with many features already, but not all of them, when purchasing a package to our server we reward your child with a higher rank or other features, depending on the package. This includes more features than the default rank or enables them to be able to get extra things within the network, therefore making the game experience more enjoyable.
Please note:
All payments are processed and received via Buycraft.
You will receive what you paid for when the payment comes through.
This can take up to 10-15 minutes, if your rank still does not show in the game after 10-15 minutes, please contact us. Please do not contact Mojang about concerns on payments, they have nothing to do with the payments to PvPCloud.
We require personal information to prevent fraud or abuse of our systems.
Your details will never be given or sold to any company or organization outside from PvPCloud without prior notification, we strive to keep this information as safe as possible.
You will not receive any spam emails or similar, we may contact you in case we notice issues with your payment.
All payments are final and non-refundable. Attempting a chargeback or opening a PayPal dispute will result in permanent and irreversible banishment from all of our servers, and other minecraft stores.
It could take between 1-20 minutes for your purchase to be credited in-game. If you are still not credited after this time period, please open a support ticket on our forums with proof of purchase and we will look into your issue.